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mardi 22 avril 2014

PT11 automation bug?


The other day I was automating a vocal for de-essing and found that on some playbacks the automation didn't work. To explain...I'd come across an S that I wanted to duck, reduce the level, locate the playhead back ahead of the change, and hit space to play back. Sometimes I'd be quite close to the automation breakpoints when I hit play to hear my change. I'd then be tweaking the automation and hitting play quite rapidly. Sometimes the automation just wouldn't function. The S would be back at full level. Now it seemed to me that it was almost as if I was working faster than it could other words if I left a decent gap or played back the whole track, everything was perfect, but if it was asked to playback rapidly very close to the automation changes it sometimes couldn't perform them. There were no errors. Has anyone else come across this?



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