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mercredi 28 mai 2014

In-depth automation workflows in post production

Hi everyone!

I started working in post production roughly a year ago and begin to understand all the possibilites you have with the automation window of a HD system.

For example Write to all enabled, all the manual write and write on stop modes, Preview and Capture automation et cetera. I understand what all these things do, but I don't have a use for many of them. For example writing to next Breakpoint, WHY to use write on stop instead of manual write.. Do they tipically use Breakpoints to separate scenes from oneanother in a movie mixdown?

I feel like I'm just not grasping how these modes are used in the real world and how a tipical workflow using these would look like.

I'd appreciate if someone of you had a link to a good Book or some video i could buy that doesn't just explain what you can do, but how to apply it. And of course I'm looking forward for some of your answers too.

Cheers - Martin

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