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mercredi 28 mai 2014

Pro tools 24mix with Apogee rosetta 800 problem.


I am using an old Pro tools Mix system with 4 Apogee Rosetta 800 with X-digi-mix cards. I am using the first one to clock the others, but sometime I am losing the signal on some of the 3 slave rosetta's.

Before I was only using 1 rosetta 800 with x-digi-mix card and 4 Digidesign 888/24 and I didn't have any trouble, the first rosetta was the master and the the 888/24's were slave.

I know that all my Apogee rosetta and x-digi-mix card are working correctly Because I change the order of the interface and I never lose the signal when the interface is connected to the A side of the Y cable of the Mix core card. I only lose the signal on the interface that are connected to the B side of the Y cable of the Mix core card and to the A and B side of the Y cable of the Mix farm cards.

I try to change the master unit but the issue still the same, It does not follow the master unit. It doesn't seems to be a word clock problem because the wide and narrow lights of the rosetta's are always on even when I have the issue.

I also try to put all the Pro tools preference to the trash and restart the computer, but it didn't change anything.

I run digitest and the 3 cards pass it.

When I connect the rosetta to my adat bridge 24 via the light pipe and not use the X-digi-mix cards, it's working perfectly. But I would prefer to not use the adat bridge…

any help will be welcome .

Thanks in advance


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