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mardi 2 décembre 2014

Massey DRT is now AAX (Mac only for now)

From Massey:

"DRT is now alive and well for Pro Tools 11 and the AAX format on

Mac. I hope to get TD5 crackling before the end of the year.

Then I'm back to the Windows Neverland of Microsoft Visual Studio to

work on Windows versions! Sorry, I just can't accurately speculate on

a release date for AAX on Windows. It's been a spell since I've coded

anything on Windows and I've already hit one sticky, annoying issue:

Microsoft is dragging their feet and aren't fully supporting the last

C++ standard (from 2011). I guess C++11 is their AAX! Hah. So, I

might have to spend a minute degrading my code backwards to 1998.

Anyway, to install DRT, just run the latest version of the wizard

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