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jeudi 19 février 2015

Pro Tools 10 HD hanging on start up

Hey Everybody,

I've been having a rather frustrating problem getting PT 10 HD up and running. Install is very smooth but when trying to boot up the software it continually "quits unexpectedly" right on "looking for a SYNC" or "initializing machine control" (it varies). Has anybody had a similar problem?

Running on:

OSX 10.6.8

192 I/O with core and 1 accel card

Waves Mercury v9


EW Play


Stylus RMX

What I've tried:

-Fresh install of PT

-updating drivers for Saffire Pro 40

-removing drivers for Saffire Pro 40

-reparing permissions

-trashing prefs

-many many restarts

-opening PT with "n" and selecting different Playback Engines (HD TDM, Aggregate, Saffire)

-various combinations of the above

I've encountered different issues, running from PT not loading past "Initializing Hardware" to the whole system freezing or crashing. Oddly, I've been able to successfully run PT twice, but was not able to repeat either time.

Any thought would be appreciated!

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