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mardi 30 juin 2015

I'm dumb...

Howdy y'all... this is my first post. Please excuse the fact that this question is surely addressed *somewhere* ... but...

All I'm trying to do is record my guitar properly when it's plugged into my interface (M-Audio M-track plus).

The problem is that if I create a stereo track (because I want to use stereo reverb etc), the guitar is only in the left channel presumably due to the fact that this is how guitar jacks work.

But if I create a mono track instead, then the track is, well... mono.

I thought of doing a mono track and then routing the output from that track to a stereo track, but I cant figure out how to do that.

I'm also not sure if I should be creating instrument vs aux tracks for this purpose.

I'm using Windows 7 and Pro Tools Express 10.3.3... but I'm pretty sure this problem is so basic that doesn't even come into play.

Thanks to anyone willing to point me in the right direction,


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