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jeudi 19 février 2015

A recent experience involving hard drives...

I was in session yesterday and ran into a snag.

Macbook Retina i7 2.7, 16GB RAM, SSD. I record to an external 7200RPM drive via USB 3. DIGI 002. OSX 10.8, Pro Tools 10.3.9.

I had about 14 tracks of guitars going while recording 10 tracks of drums (don't ask). No VIs, no plugins, buffer size of 64. Monitoring via sends/aux.

For some reason, during the same part of recording the take, disk usage would skyrocket to 100%, and Pro Tools would freeze (spinning pinwheel). Had to force quit to get out of it.

I tried several of the usual things, moving CPU utilization settings around, increasing buffer size to 128, etc. After this troubleshooting (and noticing the disk usage spike), I wound up moving the entire session to my Mac's internal SSD.

Problem went away. Disk utilization was way down as well (down to 2% from around 14% on the external.)

I'm guessing maybe I've got some bad sectors on the external drive. This setup had been rock solid for me for over a year before yesterday.

Just thought I'd share this experience with the community. It goes to show that sometimes doing something that is NOT recommended (recording to the system drive Pro Tools is running off of) can work out. For the meantime, I'll be running all of my sessions from the system drive and moving to another external solution (most likely SSD) once costs go down a bit.

Party on, Wayne. :cool:

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