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jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Early Upgrade from CPTK Confusion

Not sure if this is the right thread for my question…

On 10/28/2014 I purchased the PT11HD Upgrade from PT9/10+CPTK from Sweetwater for $599. On 5/29/2015 I received the PT12HD Upgrade and Support Plan 2015 Update and iLok asset states Support 2016.

A few questions:
How do access Support as I have no System ID?

When does my current "Support" expire? March 2016?

As an early adopter, am I entitled to the Added Value Content, as I currently have a plan?

Must I purchase another $599 plan before 2016 or can I do the $399 option?

I'm not clear on where I stand and I feel like I supported Avid's "Kickstarter PT12 Campaign" and am not getting any clear answers.

Thanks for any info.

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