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jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Help with setting up Presonus Audiobox itwo


I recently bought my first interface and microphone to start recording vocals on Pro tools 11. I bought the Presonus Audiobox itwo and AKG P220. I plugged in the iTwo to my desktop via usb and downloaded the latest driver for it. However, for some reason, it doesnt show up in the I/O settings windows when I start pro tools. All i see is "input 1-2" in the input section and "output left/ output right" in the output section. I tried deleting the input path and clicking default and the the same input shows up again, no audiobox.

In playback engine i already switched the previous ASIO4ALL v2 engine i had picked to AudioBox ASIO driver (which was a option in the drop down menu) and picked a 512 H/W buffer size. In hardware setup, AudioBox ASIO Driver is shown as the chosen peripheral, but still it is not recognized in the I/O settings.

I'm completely lost as there are no video tutorials online on the AudioBox iTwo and pro tools 11 and would appreciate help in setting up this interface with pro tools so that i can begin recording. Thank you for your help =)

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