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vendredi 6 novembre 2015

C24 & Pro Tools Limitations

Just Joined the forum but I have been a Pro-Tools user for many years - and a tape user for decades before that...anyway...I have recently installed a C24 in my home studio - replacing a pair of O2r's that have been in service for 10+years. There are a few vital (to me) tasks I can't seem to figure out how to do on the C24 . Hopefully some of you power users will have the answers.

1. How do you cut and paste data using the C24? I see how to copy, but I have the habit of cutting data sometimes on the fly while tracking or mixing. It just speeds up my work-flow.

2. How can you "seperate", or "seperate at selection" on the C24?

These seem like vital tasks to me that should be easy to accomplish, but I'm not getting it. Is the C24 only going to get me so far? Should I just expect that some (many) tasks are easier to accomplish with a mouse and keyboard?

Thanks in advance for your help

C24 & Pro Tools Limitations

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